
Jamison Mattress Facts And A Bit More

Before I start with Jamison mattress review, I have to say something to you guys. This blog is growing to be a good source for all those people who are buying new mattresses and all others who want to see which brand to avoid and what kind of product could suit them. The number of comments on some posts really surprised me. It seems that there are many people interested on Miralux, Kingsdown and Englander mattresses because most comments are made on those posts. I suggest you read them and see what other people think, their experiences and even some great comments from people in the mattress industry.

If you, yes, you that are reading this right now, have ANY experiences or stories to tell about beds and mattresses, please make a comment on this blog. There are many people who made their decision based on other people experiences. You could be the one to help one, two or 10 people to make a good choice or avoid making the wrong one.

All right, lets start with today's mattress review - Jamison.

A good part of your life at home is spent on the bed wherein your body gets relaxed and prepares for the next working day. A bed is what a mattress makes it, right? And this is how a mattress becomes a crucial part of the bed and you should be concerned of its quality and the money you spend on buying one. Jamison mattresses are of very good quality and if you are considering buying one, here are a few things you should know about it.

Jamison has been I the business of making mattresses since 1883 and has earned the reputation of being a manufacturer of the finest mattresses. It has a retailers network of more than 400 dealers in the south east of the United States. They have long term contracts with hotels like the Intercontinental Hotels and Choice Hotels. They have offering mattresses to Marriot for the last forty years. Recently Marriot announced the launch of a totally redesigned bed and Jamison grabbed the contract, beating a number of competitors from around the world.

Apart from being a favorite of the hotels that consider Jamison to be the best, there are individuals too who consider it the best buy. There are many consumer mattress reviews to support the quality of these mattresses. The reasons for its quality being so good are not far to seek. As is always the case, the quality of a product is determined by the materials and the technology that goes into making it. Jamison uses the best available materials and employs innovative technology to produce a range of quality mattresses to suit the requirements of a wider section of society.

Innersprings form an important component of any mattress and have been used by most of the manufacturers since long. Jamison improved the design and manufactured coils made from tempered steel fine wire LFK open-ended double offset coil. A lot of engineering has gone into the making of Jamison Smart Coils, which are placed together in an alternating right-turn and left-turn construction. When pressure is exerted on bed these coils work in tandem, thereby reducing disturbance to the partner in bed. Their Jamison Balance, Equalizer, and Vita-Pedic mattresses use such coils in their construction.

Innersprings are connected together whereas pocket springs are individually housed in their independent fabric pockets. By doing so, you are making the springs to operate independent of each other. As a result, when one of the partners turns around in bed, the motion under his part of the bed is not transmitted to the other partner who continues to sleep undisturbed. Jamison has created a perfect symphony of the pocket coil system and the finest quality of fibers and cashmere to create one of the finest mattresses of the world. Crest Collection from Jamison has this top-end pocket spring mattress.

How Jamison continues to keep pace with the latest innovations in mattress design?

Over the last few years we have seen the advent of memory foam mattresses. These mattresses have proven to be of a great help to all those with chronic back ache problem. Some people feel fully recovered from this trouble and a lot many have reported improvements. A memory foam mattress is designed to respond to the weight and temperature of the occupier and adjusts itself to his or her contours. Visco-elastic foam eases pressure points and typically supports the spine to the relief of many users.

Not the one who would keep lagging behind, Jamison started producing its own edition of memory foam mattresses. As a matter of fact they manufacture three categories of the same, namely: Talalay latex, Visco memory foam and Omalon foam and all the three are used in their range of Jamison Resort Foam. Jamison maintains that you need not change sides of a latex mattress. The special Jamison Comfort Support System allows the buyer to choose the desired comfort level most suited to one’s needs. Nevertheless, it would be worthwhile to add here that latex isn’t as lasting as the visco-elastic material used in producing a Tempur-Pedic mattress.

A memory foam mattress is not a favorite of the many a consumer who miss the spring action and the accompanied softness of a traditional inner coil mattress. Unless you prefer a traditionally made mattress, Jamison mattresses could be the one for you; Jamison mattresses score high in many consumers' reviews.

The only limitation, if it may be so called, of a Jamison mattress is its price. These mattresses don’t come cheap. That keeps them away from the reach of many users. But, then which quality product ever comes cheap? It’s not for nothing that Jamison enjoys the reputation of a quality product that provides long life and desired level of comfort.

But, considering that you spend a good part of your time at home on a bed, it is a worthwhile investment to have a durable well crafted comfortable mattress to rejuvenate your body through a good night’s rest and thus prepare yourself for the coming day.


  1. I vacationed in a home in Maggie Valley last summer and loved the Jamison matress so much that we took the warranty card and wrote down the type of bedding so when we needed to replace our current bed we could make the switch. We are now at that point and looking for a local dealer to buy a Jamison.

  2. I have the Jamison Paradise king mattress set and we hate it! We knew we disliked it the first night we slept on it and after the first week asked the store to take it back. They refused. Said to sleep on it some more as it takes about 6 months to get used to. No bed should take that long. I don't recommend it to anyone and plan on writing Jamison about adding return policies for their mattresses as you never know how well one will sleep until you have slept.

  3. I slept on a Jamison mattress at a Marriott property in Beckley, WV. OMG it was like nothing else I had slept on before, honestly. I asked the front desk person what kind of mattress it was and it was a Jamison foam mattress. I travel for work and stay in Marriott's frequently and found it unusual that this was the first time I had encountered THIS mattress.

    As soon I got back to Charlotte, the hunt was on for a dealer. We bought a Jamison Equalizer foam mattress and have loved it. Although they say you don't have to flip it, we do rotate ours every so often. Also, as far as the price, we thought it was a deal because it was cheaper than the many of the mattress brands we were looking at also.

    I really don't think you can go wrong with a Jamison. We are really happy!

  4. I have owned a Jamison Utopia for about 11 years! WE LOVE IT!! One side is silk for summer and wool for winter. The mattress is about 17 inches deep and is still as plush as the day we bought it. I HATE to sleep away from home because I miss my comfy bed! When we replace our bed it will be with another Jamison hopefully we can find something very similar to the Utopia since WE LOVE IT!!

  5. I purchased a Jamison mattress cover last year on EBay and it is incredible as to how much comfort it added to our existing bedding.

    I now am unable to find a source to purchase this item..

    Does anyone know how or where they would be available...They retailed somewhere in the $80.00 range I believe..

  6. My son and daughter in law have a Jamison mattress that cost over $3000 a couple of years ago. It now has sunken areas, lumps and is causing significant back pain for both of them. They have made multiple attempts to contact the company by email and phone with no response. The mattress is supposedly under warranty. My husband and I are looking for a new king size mattress and have definitely marked Jamison off of the list. My advise to anyone who is in the market for a Jamison mattress is to carefully reconsider.

  7. I agree with Sasmar, We purchased a Jamison Latex mattress from a very reputable furniture store in area. And it sags worse than the Jamison mattress we have slept on for 25 years! I did not do the research, and we are stuck! They will not take it back Jamison mattress are on two other beds in our house and they are great. So buying the same and from a "good" store may not be your best bet.

  8. I love my Jamison......the best

    it is 10 years old and i still love it

  9. I travel a lot, and have slept on every imaginable bed in all sorts of hotels. I have to work the day after I sleep on a particular mattress, so when i get a crummy night's sleep, it afffects my day. My work team all slept at a nicer hotel when we were in Washington, and all of us said we had trouble wanting to get out of the bed that morning because it was so comfortable. Two out of three of us, before discussing it with each other, had pulled the covers off the bed to see what brand the mattress was. It was a Jamison. I will buy one some day.

  10. I am thinking about buying one of the Jamison mattresses designed by Marriott, and am considering either the 11" inner spring or the 7" supreme foam. I have slept on both of them at two different Marriot Vacation clubs and found them both very confortable. My conern is that my boyfriend is almost twice my weight...I am 108lbs. and he 210lbs. Although they were both very confortable for the whole week they stayed there, I am wondering if the foam one will eventually get a big depression in it due to his weight. I have a premium Beautyrest Simmons mattress that cost 3k 5 years ago and the body depression in it is so deep i have absolutely no support for my back. I know these foam mattresses are great for a week, but how long to they stay firm over time?

  11. We have had a Jamison king size mattress for 20 years and it has been great.

  12. I haven't slept well since shortly after my wife and I got our Jamison latex mattress, almost two years ago.

    I am a big guy (~230lbs and 6'4"), with very broad shoulders, and when we were in the store trying to pick a mattress, my number one concern was that it would eventually "hammock" out or develop holes where I lay and I wouldn't get the support I need. I expressed this to the salesperson helping us, and on her advice, we chose one of the cheaper latex foam Jamison mattresses (one-sided model, with real latex on top of synthetic).

    It felt great--for the first couple of weeks. After that, I noticed that I started to sleep more and more poorly, until I tried switching sides with my wife (who is tiny, 5'0" and ~110lbs). Ever since then, we have rotated the mattress once a month and switched sides with each other every week or two (as soon as I have a couple of nights with terrible sleep), and the mattress continues to provide less and less support. When I first began complaining to the furniture store where we bought it (about a year ago), they--in sharp contrast to the saleswoman's assurances that it was of good quality and would support me well for a long time--informed me that "body impressions are normal and expected with a latex mattress" and that comfort issues are not covered by the warranty.

    They did mention that about the time when we got our mattress (July of 2008), new fire-retardant batting/lining was required by federal regulations, and it had since turned out that this sometimes made the latex degrade much more quickly, but, despite having had them out to our house several times to measure the depth of the "body impressions," they insist that they aren't deep enough to be covered by the warranty.

    After complaining a bunch, they have finally agreed to contact the factory rep for Jamison--Mike Burton--to try to get them to take it and "repair" it. They have been stringing me along for weeks now, not calling back when they say they would, not being able to provide any info, apparently because Mike Burton is not calling them back, although I am assured that they are going to do something about the mattress.

    I have not consistently slept well in a very long time. My wife and I now switch sides of the bed one or two times a week, and the mattress' support continues to degrade. I lie down and almost immediately my lower back begins hurting. I very often wake up with a lot of neck, shoulder, and/or back pain, and I toss and turn all night. My wife likes the mattress well enough, but she weighs half as much as I do, so I don't think she sinks as much into the foam.

    My guess is that the reason these mattresses are so popular in hotels is because the same person rarely sleeps on them for more than a week, so impressions specific to their body never have the chance to form.

    My advice: don't buy a mattress from a company that doesn't give a damn how well you sleep on it. If comfortable sleep isn't the entire point and purpose of a mattress, I'm not sure what is. If comfortable sleep is what all of the materials and workmanship of a mattress are supposed to be aimed at, I sure don't know why the warranty would guarantee the materials and workmanship but not the comfort of a mattress. Jamison seems to have a terrific warranty that doesn't actually guarantee anything you care about.

    I have heard bad things about other mattress companies' customer service, but I have lived with back pain and sleeplessness (despite having medications to help with both) for several years now, with no real end in sight, so I don't see how anyone else could do any worse.

    It's pretty sad that having to sleep on the couch after an argument with my wife is actually a plus rather than a minus--I sleep better on our eight-year-old dorm-worthy crap couch--which is far too short for me to actually stretch out all the way on--than on a two year old Jamison latex foam mattress.

  13. We just bought a jamison. The first couple nights were great. Then I told my wife that I felt like my lower legs were elevated like being in a hospital type bed with the feet raised. Now after about a week I feel as if my mid body is in a hole. They are supposed be coming to take a look at it tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.

  14. We bought a Jamison mattress for our 8 year old less than one year ago and it is already sagging. We are very disappointed as we bought the mattress from a reputable furniture store and they will not warranty it because they claim that the sag is not deep enough. There is something wrong when a mattress fails in the first year with a person less than 100 pounds!

  15. We have owned a Jamison mattress for 6 months and we have not slept well in that time. My wife and I both wake up with a sore back, and feel like we have not slept at all.

    I had slept on one in a nice hotel in Chicago and loved it. Have not had the same experience after owning one. It sags and is lumpy in this short period of time. I would not recommend this mattress.

  16. Bad Bad Bad!!! We are our second mattress. The first one lasted less then a year with sagging on both sides. Call the store and they said the deppressions had to be at least 2 1/4 inches deep. We had to sleep on this until that happened. They took it back and we had to pick out another one. Thought we would try a different one so payed and extra $100.00.

    Dumb !! Guess what, same problem. Said they send the guy out with his string and weighs to mesure the hole. Another few months till it now is over 2 1/2 inches.

  17. I am considering the purchase of a Jamison mattress. I have been reading customer complaints, but no one says what mattress they bought. It might help future customers and help to hold Jamison accountable if you included more specifics in your posts. What mattress did you buy that you are now unhappy with? Jamison makes many different types of mattresses.
    Thank you,
    Anne T

  18. We paid nearly $2000 for our Jamison Cal King - it was great at first, but after 2 years it began to feel like we were sleeping in a crater. Thought it was covered by a 20 year warranty, but not so. The store where we purchased used this as a selling feature, the mattress only has a manufacturer's warranty for 5 years. The store went out of business. So won't go this route again and would not recommend Jamison to anyone.

  19. I found this blog when I was searching for complaints on Jamison. We bought the Marriott bed because of my husband's back pain and because he slept well when he stayed in the hotels.

    I think it has been about a year now and there is a mountain in the middle of the bed and our sides have compressed down to nothing. I hate it and hope the manufacturer will do something to credit us towards another mattress or something-- this was expensive! We have spun the bed as we are supposed to and still have the compressions.

  20. We purchase King Caress II Jamison mattress on March26, 2010 abd ut was great a first But now that we have had if for 12 months it is TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE., iT SAGS OS BAD ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BED OVER 2 1/2 TO 3 INCHES. This makes the bed look like a wave in in the middle of the mattress. Looks awful and Jamison would not be proud to call it a Jamison. We have tried to contact Jamison with the warranty papers. First they said that they lost the papers. so it took another hour to prepare them again. Another two weeks has past and no one had gotten in contact with us. What is there problem. Pick up the phone and call.We are VERY UNHAPPY WITH THIS SERVICE , IF THIS IS THE TYPE OF SERVICE I WOULD SAY NEVER BUY A JAMISON MATTRESS. SERVICE, SERVICE IS HOW YOU GET NEW CUSTOMERS. WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK AND SELECT ANOTHER MATTRESS.

  21. Hi everyone,
    I am interested in buying a Jamison Oceania foam mattress. Has anyone every purchased one of their foam beds or this one specifically?
    Thamk you

  22. I have a Jamison Comfort Choice mattress and my husband and I love it. We have never slept better! I have never had problems with customer service. If anything, the folks at Jamison have been nothing but helpful to me! I have turned all my firends to Jamison and they have nothing,but positive things to say as well.

  23. My husband and I are looking for a new mattress. We both have lower back pain. We tried a Jamison Serenity foam mattress in the store and it felt great. Do any of you have experience with this type of mattress?

  24. My husband and I spent the night at a Marriott hotel to try the Jamison Mattress. We did not like it. It was only one year old and it was lumpy and definately had a "well" or indentation on both sides of the bed where previous people had been laying. We were hot in the latex as well. We bought a Tempur Pedic California King sized Cloud Supreme mattress. We bought it directly from Tempur Pedic. I looked the phone number up on line. They offer different financing deals at different times. We got free shipping and haul away of our old mattress. We also got 48 months no interest financing. This is the best deal I have seen them offer. Be sure to ask for it. If they don't give it to you at that time, wait until they offer it again. It usually comes up once every three months.

    I have arthritis in both my shoulders, lower back, and between my shoulder blades. I own a daycare so I lift kids all day long. My shoulders were killing me. I went to a regular doctor, internal medicine doctor, 8 weeks of physical therapy and hired a personal trainer. Nothing helped. After sleeping on the mattress after one month, I realized I had no more shoulder or lower back pain. It is really comfortable. I am in menopause so I have a lot of hot flashes and I was pleased to see that the cloud supreme mattress was constructed so it does not heat up during the night. I have never once woke up feeling sweaty and over heated. I woke up like that all of the time before. I sleep much better now because my body parts don't fall asleep because of the pressure exerted upon them by the old spring mattress I had before. I don't get hot, I am comfortable and perfectly supported. My husband is 6foot 6 inches tall and when he rolls over or gets out of bed, I do not feel it with the tempur pedic mattress. He was experiencing lower back stiffness and now it is completely gone and his sleep quality has greatly improved.

    I am very frugal and I resisted the thought that my physical problems could be healed by a good mattress. It really seemed too simple. I was completely wrong. It was almost instantaneous relief. It is worth the price. I pay about $56.o0 per month for the mattress. I spend more than that on Starbucks! Of course, coffee is worth it too!
    Good luck to you

  25. Jamison is THE best...nothing sleeps like a Jamison

  26. I love love love my Jamison mattress. I sleep on a comfort choice latex bed and my huband and I love it!! I hate going out of town because I miss my mattress. everyone in our family sleeps on one. I will never buy another mattress!

  27. I agree with what others have said about Jamison, I have several over 20 years old and they are great, the new latex mattress from Jamison sucks period.

  28. April 04, 2011

    I bought a Jamison Carmel Memory Foam Pillow-Top. So far, I just love it. I sleep very well. Every point of my body is supported by the bed and I totally relax. This mattress is the best I have ever had.

  29. My husband and I have finally decided to purchase a new Jamison Mattress since ours was purchased in 1970 and is now 41 years old. Ours is a Sweet Slumber Supreme which cost $299.50 for our king size set and we have been very happy with our Jamison over the years....never any complaints until recently and now it is starting to sag. We hope to find a comparable set to what we have.

  30. I am looking for feedback on the Marriott bed by Jamison with the 7 inch super foam. Does it stand the time test? Sally

  31. I bought a Jamison mattress from the Equalizer Collection, which is a combination of coil and latex foam, last June. The nights of comfortable sleep have been few. The bed came with one side being is too soft and the other too hard. I actually thought it was a sample mattress that had two difference sides. You could actually feel where the two side met in the middle. I spoke to the store owner. His solution was to offer to bring out a carpet roller and roll it across the bed to break down the latex, which he told me could be hard at first. I just couldn't see someone rolling a dirty roller all over my bed. Should you have to break down a bed to make it comfortable? I then spoke with the company representative. He thought I just needed more time to break in the bed. He was going to check back after six weeks, but he never called back.

    Well, a year later, the bed still isn't comfortable. I strongly discourage you from buying this mattress.

    I did not buy this mattress blindly. I tested it - along with many others - in the store and thought it was great. In fact I hunted the bed down when the first store told me it was going to take six weeks to order it. If the Marriott uses this bed in its high priced rooms, I am surprised that anyone stays there for a second night. And if I received the one bad apple to come off the line, the company - which know of my complains - is not eager to replace it with a good one. If I had not paid a small fortunate for the mattress, I would donate it and buy a different mattress. However, my budget just doesn't stretch that far.

  32. I purchased a Jamison Royalty Mattress in October of 1997, and I am STILL sleeping on this mattress to this day! I turn/flip it a few times a year, and it has absolutely no sags, no dips, valleys, nothing. I cannot say enough about the quality of this bed. I slept at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando on a Simmons Peabody Dream bed and found it to be phenomenal since I had never slept on a pillow top before, and considered getting one (which you can order from, and instead of buying one, bought at 2.5" latex memory foam mattress pad and added it to my Jamison Royalty mattress and it was like having a brand new bed. I still have the support of the Royalty, but now have the added plushness of memory foam. I will keep this combo until one or both wears out. I am very, very happy with this mattress, and would definitely purchase another Jamison mattress again.

  33. My wife and I purchased a king size foam (no springs) Jamison Caress over 3 years ago. We love it. No more tossing and turning all night long and waking up with back and neck aches. Our bed still does not sag or have noticeable body impressions. We have been married 36 years. The first 33, we tried several mattresses and begin to think there was no such thing as a comfortable mattress. Our last was a Kingsdown LeFleur (pillow top) that cost about twice as much as out Jamison. We slept on it for 9 years, but were miserable with it after the first month.

    I will tell you that the first week we had the Jamison, we discussed returning it because we thought it was too firm. We put a padded mattress cover on it make it softer. Maybe it took us about a month to get used to the firmness, and then we took the mattress pad off. We have loved it ever since.

    Since body size can influence the experience a person has with a mattress, I'll tell you that I am 5'10" tall and weigh 170lbs and my wife is 5ft tall & weighs about 140lbs.

    Now, when we go somewhere on vacation, I really hate the thought of leaving my Jamison unless we are staying at a Marriott. Hope this review helps in your decision.

  34. We purchased a Jamison Equalizer king size mattress set in late 2007. I use a mattress protector over the mattress. The latex is pilling where my husband sleeps. He is a restless sleeper and often feels too warm. Has anyone else had a problem with pilling?

    If so, did you find a solution?

  35. we were moving a JAMISON mattress & box springs to another location when a poorly designed, sharp metal corner protector took a major chunk out of my finger. They accepted no responsibility in causing an injury that cost me almost two months of lost work, and still limited range of motion. I have to agree with others about this company's bad customer relations and would not recommend them to anyone.

  36. Greetings,
    This 'comment' is years in the making. Like many other posts on this site, I discovered the Jamison bed by staying at a Marriott. I stayed at the Marriott Financial in NYC. After a long night out, I jumped into bed and was absolutely astonished at the comfort! It was like discovering taste buds that you didn't know you had! Like the first time you tried your favorite food. In a matter of seconds I was out!
    I slept 12 hours straight (6am till 6pm). A knock at the door woke me up. I remember pulling the sheets up trying to figure out who made this bed. I asked my travel buddies about the bed and we all agreed it was 'wicked comfortable'.
    The attendant at the front desk told me the bed was a Jamison. He told me this before I even asked the question. The man just gave me a Jamison business card and told me that he would be happy to ship the very bed I slept in to my home! He said it was not uncommon from customers to purchase the beds right out of the hotel room! They wanted "THAT" bed. He also mentioned that he fields questions about these beds all day, hence the ready business cards.
    Many years past and I eventually purchased the exact same model that I slept on those many years ago. With the help of the Jamison customer support lady, She was able to determine the exact model and bedding combination based on the year and month I stayed at the hotel. The bed was made to order and shipped to California in about 4 weeks. The bed cost $1500.00 delivered. Very reasonable. I made sure to get the Marriott bedding package from Pacific Pillow company (Feather bed, down comforter,double down pillows etc). The bed was, and STILL is everything that I remembered! My girl friend LOVES THIS BED! It's an eastern king size and you can sleep on this bed sideways! It's been two years now and this bed is STILL the most outrageously comfortable bed I have ever slept on. My girl friend wants me to emphasize that it's the combination of the Jamison Bed and the Marriott trimmings! Don't skimp of the sheets fellas! Marriott knew what they were doing when they put this package together.
    Sweet dreams!

  37. I sleep on the Jamison Comfort Choice bed and I LOVE IT! I have had it since 2007 and it is fabulous! Everyone in my family sleeps on this mattress and they are happy as well. If you are in the market for a mattress, I would definately reccomed the Comfort Choice!! Hope this helps!

  38. I have had my king size Jamison since 1997. We do turn it about twice a year, but have had absolutely no problems with it. It is THE most comfortable bed we have ever slept on. I hate to sleep anywhere but home due to the comfort. After sleeping on other beds a few nights and returning home, after laying down my body goes AHHHHHHH. I am looking for one now for my daughter.

  39. We purchased a Comfort Choice king in 2007. We have been waking up with major back pain and hip pain for the last year. My wife is seeing an Physical Therapist. It finally dawned on us that the mattress may be the problem. So we started sleeping on our other beds in the house and discovered the back pain went away and we are able to sleep an entire night. I tried sleeping on the Comfort Choice the past two nights and am waking up in the middle night and unable to sleep. I am calling the warranty department and hope that this doesn't turn a terrible night's sleep into a nightmare.

  40. I was looking for a mattress for my disabled mother and I tried every kind of mattress that they make in the stores. I had never heard of Jamison until then. I was used to sleeping on a waterbed but now I am going to replace it with a Jamison mattress. My mother loved hers and I slept on it for a while and also fell in love with her mattress.

  41. We have been staying in a weekly rate motel for the last 4 months and will be venturing out into our new home. I absolutely dread the fact that we have to leave behind our bed that is in the room. My husband and myself suffer from back pain and since sleeping in this bed, we wake up without back pain. I highly recommend this product!

  42. I have slept on several Jamison mattresses at various Marriot hotels over the years. I have to admit that the first ones I slept on were wonderful. Unfortunately when I called the particular hotels where I did like the mattress they referred me to the Marriott hotel website and no other information was available. Lazy, is what I call it. Needless to say I didn't look at the mattress while I was there. I'm sad that I did not. Perhaps one day I'll make it back to one of them and find out what the specifics were for the mattress. By the way, in case any of you have or will have a chance to stay at one of them they are the Marriott in Garden Grove, CA and another Marriott nearby in another city which I cannot recall right now. I recently stayed at another Marriott hotel in Sandy, Utah this past summer and was happy that I would get a good nights sleep. The third night I was ready to get up at 2am and check out! I stuck it out though and went home with a very terrible back ache. I did check the mattress at that hotel, it was the Marriott supreme foam 3/1. Horrible!!! The mattress was sagging, obviously worn out and I don't know who could get a good nights rest on that thing. It made me take a triple look at other mattress companies. I do have back problems so for those of you who just would like a nice mattress it may be fine. I have spinal stenosis, compressed discs, bulging discs, arthiritis in my spine and you don't need all the other nitty gritty details. Simply put, my home mattress is in need of a replacement and I would like to get one that will ease my pain while sleeping. The Jamison mattresses at the Marriott in Garden Grove do help. I've had severe back attacks and had to make a trip anyways and wow, that particular mattress helped. For now, I don't know what I'll end up with Jamison or something else, but definitely not the Supreme foam. Good luck to everyone hunting for a good mattress.

  43. I bought a jamison mattress in 2005, king size, it was the best mattress you could ask for. The price was close to $4000.00, you would think for this price it would last 20 years. Two years later it had sags so bad you felt like you were laying in a hole. The furniture company had went out of business, so I call the Jamison Company, the person that I spoke with was very ugly, he told me to not lay in the same spot every n ight, he just keep making all kind of remarks in that manner. I will never buy another mattress from that company. They do not stand behind their product. I hope to soon replace that mattress, my back hurts so bad. I had lost my job, so no fund to replace it. they need to stick with motel mattress, you don't sleep on those every night for years, just a few night at a time, that's why they are so great.

  44. We just moved to Jax. Fl and need several new mattress's. We tried out the Jamison Arbor Collection and other Jamison models. We are needing to replace 4 mattress in our new home. After reading the reviews, I have decided against any mattress made by Jamison. The lack of communication from this company in past reviews- Scares Me-! The furniture store here that sells this brand, says Jamison does not advertise their line. They save on the advertising to pass the savings down to the consumer. Thanks for all the reviews- good & bad. However, a company needs to acknowledge their consumer complaints. I will not go with a Jamison.

  45. After my husband stayed at a Marriott hotel he recommended the Jamison mattress for our home. We purchased a Jamison Paradise Queen and absolutley HATE IT! If I didn't have so much money invested in this bed it would be trashed. I contacted the furniture company roughly 3-4 weeks after purchasing and was told no warranty on "comfort" was available and unless it was a defect in the mattress itself could not be returned. Since this time have reported the complaint again and a rep is supposedly going to come review the product for defects. I wake up with back and hip pain and feeling like I have a hole in and around my stomach area. My husband wakes up all hours of the night with leg cramps, shoulder, neck and back pain. Luckily he travels frequently and doesn't have to sleep on the mattress as often. So far I am only dealing with the furniture store and not direct with Jamison, but from the sounds of other reviews that's in the near future. I would not recommend any Jamsion mattress.

  46. We bought the Jamison Equalizer queen size back in Dec of 2008. The first year was great. Then I noticed I wasn't sleeping so well, and I always get hot. My husband started complaining about pain in his shoulders and his pain gradually got worse. Then my back started hurting and I would wake up with a sore neck. When we went anyplace else we slept fine. My husband and I cuddle at night, but I stopped, I was just so uncomfortable. My husband asked why are you always on the edge of the bed? I didn't put two and two together until he said that. It's our mattress that's causing all of this. It is the only part of the bed that doesn't sink. My husband weighs 245lbs. I am 126lbs. On occassion especially when my husband snores I started sleeping in our other room and I woke up feeling like I slept. I finally found the bill of sale and contacted the store I bought it from. I called before Christams and they were supposed to have someone call me. They didn't so I waited until after Christmas and called again. They sent someone out the next day. They pulled the sheets back and the concave in the middle was so obvious, they laid on it, they put it on the floor and layed on it and agreed something was wrong with the mattress, they asked if I wanted to exchange this one for the same type. I don't think so. I still have to get a Jamison for them to honor the warranty, don't know which one I will end up with, but anything is better than what we have been sleeping on. It's really sad when a company this big, that charges so much for a mattress can't make one to hold up more than 1-3 years.

  47. We have a Jamison memory foam king size mattress that we purchased 2 years ago. Jamison needs to stick to making bedding for the hotel industry because that all there good for...our mattress is sagging and dipping just after 2 years(what a piece of junk). We contacted Jamison about the warranty and they mailed us a string with 2 washers attached and a card to measure with. They want us to do there job for them. The warranty person lives in the same town as we do and we cant even get him to call us. I would not recommend Jamison bedding to my worst enemy. We went and purchased a temperpedic today and they guarenteed us in writing that if we have any problems that someone from the factory would be out within 48 hours. Now thats service!!! I plan on donating our Jamison to the dump...its not even good enough for the homeless shelter!!!

  48. I bought my first Jamison mattress king Utopia in 1995. My husband and I had never slept on anything SO WONDERFUL. Over the next few years, I bought one for each of my children and the guest room. I never had a guest who did not rave over the bed and beg to know where I got it. Recently, I lost all of my mattresses secondary to a home contaminated with Chinese drywall. I could not find a local Jamison retailer and tried, lost money, and returned sealy, serta, sleep to live, and tempurpedic. If you want a fantastic mattress, forget all this latex, and buy the Jamison most comparable to Utopia.

  49. We purchased a Jamison Latex Pillow Top Mattress in February-2011. In less than 6 weeks it began to sag. My wife contacted the dealer we purchased it through and he told that the manufacturer would not warranty sagging "unless" it had sagged at least 2". Today is February 18 2011 and the sagging has not only gotten worse, its got to the point we can not get a half good night sleep. We paid $1300 for the mattress alone with new box springs as recommended by the dealer and we feel like not only have we got ripped off but lied to not only by Jamisons reputation but outright lied to in whole. I will NEVER allow anything Jamison to be brought into my home as long as I live nor will I EVER recommend Jamison to anyone and I work in the public with 1000's of people as a business owner. As a business owner you please one customer, they tell 100 others. You make one mad they tell 1000's.

  50. I am considering buying the Jamison Sea Island Euro bed..can anyone give me a review on this particular bed..I have multiple health issues & need to find out before I finalize the sale..Thank you!

  51. I have a Jamison Opulence (all Latex) mattress purchased in August of 2011. Both my husband and I love it. It has performed well so far with no visible changes at all. I would highly recommend it.

  52. We have had our Jamison Comfort Choice for 7 years. We slept on the firm side for 1 night at delivery and flipped it to the softer side. We have slept well, for 2 people with Fibromyalgia and various back and neck injuries.
    However, 3 weeks ago, our new housekeeper flipped the mattress over. We found mold fungus growing in the shape of body impressions. I received the run around from Jamison and was told to contact the dealer I purchased it from.
    The dealer said she had to have the Jamison Rep contact me. He would MAIL me some warranty paperwork. MAIL? We had MOLD on our mattress.

    I have never been more frustrated, nor more disgusted with two companies. Neither will take ownership of this issue. They call it a "stain", and tell me "stains" are not covered under warranty.

    My home is not humid. Mold is not growing anywhere else. So, isn't it likely that the mold grew due to body sweat at night absorbed by the latex, trapped at the bottom of the mattress, between it and the box spring, where there is NO light? (mold growth occurs with dampness and lack of light, I am told.)

    I bought the mattress because I was upsold on the warranty alone. 25 years! Wow. What a waste of an ADDITIONAL thousand dollars. The mattress retails for $3600 right now.

    Jamison's dismissal of my claim is incredibly poor business. Please do not support this company by purchasing their overpriced products. They do not stand by their product.

  53. My experience with Jamison mattresses has been mixed. Those at the Marriott hotels are more comfortable if flipped to the side with no pillow top. We purchased one online from the Marriott website and right away knew that I had not received the same mattress the hotels have. They assure me I am wrong about that and want a picture of the sagging. Mine also retains body heat but the ones in the motels do not. My legs hurt from trying to get on the same level with my body and I sleep very little. I want to throw this stupid mattress in the garbage and sleep on the floor. Never, never, never purchase a Jamison.
    Why didn't I learn from my first experience. I thought the Marriott mattresses were different. Now, we have two mattresses by Jamison.
    Why did my parents raise such and idiot child?

  54. We have used our Jamison latex mattress for six years now. It cost over 2000.00. About a year ago we started noticing sagging on each side of the bed and it seems the foam is breaking down on the edges of the mattress. I called the store where it was purchased and they sent someone out to measure it. They said it has to sag at least 1 1/2 inches before they will replace it. Ours is only one inch...I can't imagine having to sleep on it until it reaches that point! Interestingly, I was at a bridge party last week and the discussion turned to mattresses. Three of us had the same mattress, all had the same problem, and together we knew of three other women with the same problem as well. There were 36 women at that party, so we made it our mission to tell the others to not purchase a Jamison mattress. I am looking for a new mattress and it will not be a Jamison!!!

  55. My husband and I purchased a Jamison latex pillow-top mattress 5months ago. When talking to the saleswoman, I explained to her that my husband has back problems and I have problems with pressure-points when sleeping...she told us that the Jamison was the mattress for her opinion it was "the best mattress made" and she claimed that we would get the best night's sleep that we've ever had on this mattress. We bought it and I knew that it was a mistake the first night that we slept on it. I woke up several times during the night with my shoulders hurting and the rest of my body aching. I literally cried several times during the first month that we had it. We spent over $3000 for this mattress and I would wake up in the morning feeling like I had been beaten.

    I contacted the store that we purchased the mattress from. They explained that the warranty only covered defects, not comfort, but the would send a rep out to look at it. Of course, they found nothing defective with the mattress, but said they would contact the company. Jamison's resolution was to send us an eggcrate foam pad which now causes my fitted sheets to slip off because the mattress is too thick now.

    I hate this mattress and will never buy a Jamison again!!

  56. I have a 4 year old foam bed from Jamison. It used to be wonderful. Now, not so much. I have called customer service twice and also emailed. No one is responding. There customer service is awful.
    My husband and I are rolling into the middle and NOT getting a good night sleep.
    Looks like we are shopping this weekend and it WON'T we a Jamison.

  57. Has anyone bought and experienced the Jamison "Resort" mattress? I would like to get an idea before I purchase one, thanks.

  58. We purchased the Jamison Gemimi (all latex) mattress about 1 year ago. It has 2 firm. We tried the soft for 1 night and then went to the firm. After about 3 months we noticed "bunching" under the sheets. I pulled the sheet back and the mattress fabric had formed many ridges that would not smooth out. The ridges were right in the spot where my wife sleeps. I sent pics and they agreed it was a defect. They replaced it with the same mattress. Within 3 months the new mattress was doing the same thing. We are both normal weight so there must be a problem with the manufacturing process. So we are now working to get yet a 3rd replacment mattress. What a hassle. But I will say Jamison and the retailer we bought it from have been very helpful. The Jamison rep actually called me at home. Hoping the 3rd time will be the charm.

  59. My mother bought this for her guest room. It is awesome. If you want it a little softer just put a cheap foam pad on top. This support is wonderful

  60. I purchased a Jamison Latex King adjustable bed in 2005. We loved it, however in 2010 we had indentions & a major complaint was the powdering dust like particles coming from the mattress. If you take your hand & slap the mattress you can't believe you're actually sleeping on this. Jamison was excellent in working with us & replaced the mattress.

    The one we have now is doing the same thing. Has anyone experienced this problem with the latex mattress? This was their top line latex, 2 TwinXL which is their King for an adjustable bed. It seems to me the latex is breaking down. Any comments would be helpful.

  61. John from lake Charles,LASeptember 6, 2012 at 9:57 AM

    I purchased a Jamison latex comfort choice mattress approx. two yrs. ago and I am contemplating pouring 5 gallons of diesel on that mattress and burning it. Extremely uncomfortable! Buyers beware!!!!!!!
    John in Lake Charles, LA

  62. My husband and I are looking into a Jamison after staying at a Marriott. My concern is what does the phrase "Safe Slumber 1" fire retardent protection system". Does this mean we are sleeping on 1" of fire retarder chemicals or a 1" protection barrier from the nasty toxic chemicals?

  63. Have to agree with Joshua and Judy in Georgia. Have had 3 Jamison mattresses in 3 years. Let me explain. Bought an Equalizer series that had indentions and extremely uncomfortable after six months. Got is exchanged under warranty for exact same mattress since sales person said it was a fluke that the first one was not comfortable. Second mattress did the same thing after 9-10 months. Exchanged second mattress for an upgraded hotel-type version last February. It is now December and mattress is doing same thing. Do not purchase a Jamison. It is a piece of junk. My back aches and I have incredible neck and shoulder pain. I am looking now for a flippable mattress like I had growing up if there is such a thing anymore.

  64. Unbelieveable all these comments, thank you everyone for them, we were about to look at the Jamison also after having the same problems with our ORIGINAL MATTRESS, from the Original Mattress Factory in Winter Park, Florida. We got the same exact treatment as everyone with the impressions not being covered by warranty (then what else would go wrong with a mattress?)etc. We also paid $2800 for a "new" latex style....there terrible. Ours was good (flipping it every 3mo.) for not quite a year
    now we may as well be sleeping in a canopy... they came out also measured, after much fight took in, and just fixed "one" side and three weeks later we were sleeping in a hole again! 80 year old parents can't believe all the problems they hear these days with folks and their mattresses, never heard of that in their younger days! No accountabliity anymore, no pride in workmanship I guess.... it's terrible to hear so many unhappy people, but now I know it's not just US.

  65. Wow, I can believe the complaints , I am having the same problems. I started out with latex Comfort choice I got in around 2003, it was great for about 8 years, til it started sagging, I got the stain excuse for not standing by warranty, I had moved a few times.
    So I broke down and bought the cashmere comfort, within a year, it was killing me, we had switched out 2 with same problem, the store here in town, had the same problem with other families with same bed, so I got the Opulence, the all Latex even the core, it's been almost a year, now it doing the same thing I am bottoming out on the harder core, it's killing me, I called the factory they are sending me a topper of some sort.
    I had been told they changed there latex manufacturer so they thought that's where the problems are, I am telling you, it's not the same feel if latex as the older bed, I am going to give it a try, I have not picked it up yet, it better not be a cheap egg crate top, that's why I bought all latex, I didn't want to sleep on chemicals and crap. Time will tell?
    Will follow up .

  66. My wife and I bought a Jamison bed about 4 years ago and we loved it until the box spring started to cave in! They say that they have a 10 year warranty on the box spring and wanted us to send them pictures of it so we did. They said that it is not covered b/c the metal bars inside the box spring are not covered! What is a box spring besides the metal on the inside and the wood frame on the outside? We asked them what they covered but they would not give us an answer. Do yourself a favor and do not buy a Jamison! We dealt w/Lea Murray who did not seem interested in helping us out at all. She acted like we were not worth helping. To spend that kind of money and to be treated like that is insulting. By the way, the Jamison mattress is not near as comfortable without the proper box spring. DO NOT BY A JAMISON!!!!

  67. Purchased a Jamison 13 months ago. We sleep in a hole and a big hill is in the middle. It soon uncomfortable I need pain medicine when I get up. It. Looks like a really old beat up mattress. Bought very puffy comforter to try to make it look better. Do NOT buy Jamison.will try the complaint process but it does not sound hopeful

  68. I bought a Jamison fantasy latex mattress from a dealer in Lake Charles, LA. approx. 3 yrs. ago and slept on it for a total of maybe 3 months. The mattress is a peice of junk. It has weird contours that make it very uncomfortable. I checked my foundation and slats and they were both fine. I had a friend stay over and he slept on the mattress and the next morning he stated "you need to get a gallon of diesel and burn that bed." Buyer be ware when buying a jamison bed. The manufactor nor the dealer would make things right. The dealer said there was nothing wrong w/it and the manufactor said we are going to back the dealer. Buyer be ware of Jamison mattress and company. Galliton, TN would not refund

  69. In approx 2004 I purchased a queen-sized Jamison Gemini Latex mattress. I slept on it for 8 years, and itt was incredibly comfortable, showing no real signs of sagging or body impressions. Wanted to upgrade to a king-sized, so I went to the high-end furniture store from which I purchased the queen. I expected to find the same model, but didn't. The saleswoman said the Equalizer was the closest to the Gemini, so I purchased an Equalizer in October of 2012. Less than six weeks after delivery, I was feeling a deep impression where I slept; my feel seemed higher than the rest of my body, and I had to roll upward to get to the middle of the bed! I'm 5'3" and 117 pounds. The inspector from the store came out, measured a 1 1/2" impression, and I got a call about a week later saying Jamison had authorized a replacement. Thinking this problem with the first mattress was a fluke, I re-ordered the same model and size -- and four weeks later noticed the same sagging and body impression. Again, the inspector measured and found a 1 1/2" impression, and another replacement was authorized. Obviously, I'm not re-ordering a Jamison Equalizer. I'm not sure I'll order a Jamison at all after reading the reviews on the other models. Soooo disappointing. Wish I'd never given up my Gemini Latex.

  70. Our Jamison mattress started having problems right after we bought it. Both sides of the bed started sinking and it felt like we were sleeping in holes. Very uncomfortable. The mattress was not even two years old when I contacted the furniture company we purchased it from and they sent someone to take a look at it and he was shocked by what he saw. Took all kinds of measurements and pictures. He took them back to his boss and the boss called the next day to tell me that Jamison would definitely replace the mattress! I was stunned, not expecting this at all and expecting to pay something (prorated). But, I did not owe a penny towards the new one and Jamison said they were sending a better upgraded mattress to me. The mattress arrived today and it is beautiful. Better than the one I initially purchased. Now, really praying for a good nights sleep for my husband and myself! And I really hope it lasts for many years! Thanks Jamison!!

  71. Jamison was purchased around May 2014 by Solstice Sleep Products in Columbus, Ohio.

  72. My experience with Jamison has been very good. I purchased a Jamison VitaPedic back in 1998. It held up very well with little to no indentation even after all these years. What's more, I was never the best about flipping or turning it like I should have done. I did flip it some and turn it some, but not like I probably should have. And yet, like I said, no issues.

    I am currently in the market for a new mattress as my body is telling me that I need something less firm. I did the mattress topper for a several years but that was not really getting the job done.

    So after doing the research and visiting several stores, I am convinced it is time to go to the foam. I am leaning toward latex (instead of memory foam) given the advantages of durability, comfort, and temperature concerns. The main drawback is price.

    I had not thought to seek the Jamison as I was not aware that they made foam mattresses. Until a friend told me they recently purchased a Jamison memory foam mattress and so to my surprise, they do make them. Given my personal experience with Jamison, I would not hesitate to consider or purchase another one. I would rather take my chances with a Jamison over the "S" brands any day.

    As a side note regarding brands sold online, I personally could not do it. As stated, I have done the research and while I believe there are some good or even great products out there with "better than retail store prices", I also considered that it was more gamble than I wanted to take since I could not see it or lay on it first. I considered that even with a stellar return policy, I did not want to deal with the hassle of shipping a mattress back to an online dealer. That's my personal choice.

    Later this week, I am headed to the store with the Jamisons and will update once I've purchased a mattress and have had a chance to experience it some.
