
Restonic Mattress - Overall Review

It is true that Restonic is not a popular brand, like Serta or Simmons are, but they have a satisfying level of quality. There are many products they offer, and this is one of the reasons we can't say are they a good or a bad company. It all depends on the specific product, on our preferences when it comes to beds and the prices. We need to take deeper insight to see what kind of brand this is. If you are willing to know more, read this Restonic mattress review.

Just like any other company, Restonic is also trying to find a niche for their products. And unlike many smaller companies, they are offering a wide variety of choices. This means that they are manufacturing innerspring, viscoelastic, foam and air mattresses. It is a good thing to know they are trying to cover all the angles, since that tells us how serious a company is. And it also means that the consumers who buy their products have a certain level of satisfaction. If that is not the case, Restonic could not manufacture all those product lines. To conclude, if their products are in different niches and have different prices, it means they are doing a good job and customers know how to appreciate that.

Base line of mattresses for any company is an innerspring mattress. These are still highly popular and are making biggest number of sales. Sure, memory foam is a blast and latex becomes more and more popular. But still, people are used to innerspring and buy those most of the time.

The line that this brand has is called ComfortCare. Without going too much into hype and talking about the features with the name company gives the, I'm gonna say it all in the plain English. ComfortCare line mattresses have bigger number of coils in the center, which gives additional support to the sleeper. You may thing that is nothing special, but only good quality beds have this. This is a sign that Restonic wants to offer quality. Another thing, the edge of their innerspring modles has a higher density due to more foam being placed there. It is additional support for our bodies and it means that we will have a firmer edge to sit on. This edge also saves us from falling down if we are too close.

Are these beds firm? Or soft? The good news is that you can choose the on you want. Restonic offers three levels of firmness, with the mattresses called: Firm, Plush and EuroTop. I'm not gonna go any deeper with these three in this review, but lets just say that any of you will find a match with them when it comes to firmness.

So far, we can see that these are quality products and have something to offer. But how do they stand when compared to others? For example, Posturepedic is the competition to ComfortCare. Posturepedic has a bit more quality and durability, but Restonic mattress is cheaper. You will have to decide what is best for you. I want to say that there are consumers who complain about some Restonic innerspring mattresses sagging after few years of use. This is what happens to all beds, but they could be a bit better here. The thing is, you will probably have a long lasting bed if you are not a heavy person and choose a firm bed for yourself. You will have a long lasting Restonic at a cheap price. Otherwise, you can pay more money for a Sealy and get a bit more quality product for yourself.

When it comes to latex mattresses, Restonic is making some good quality products here. They have few variants to offer, but most of them have 6" of thickness. This is just the thickness we need, more then that is not necessary and less then that would not be enough. And you get to choose quilts, topper and pads you want.

But what level of quality Restonic latex mattresses are? Their Providence line is using the same latex material that big brands do. So, there is no difference between them and Simmons or Serta. The same company delivers materials for their beds. It mean that you can be relaxed about the value you will get for your money if you decide to go latex. And the good thing is, you will have to pay less then you would to Sealy or Serta.

Memory foam mattresses from Restonic are not one of those lousy ones. Maybe you already know this, but there are many companies who are manufacturing foam beds without any ethics. They promise a lot of value, but you actually get a bad mattress that will sag in less then a year. And you had to invest a lot of money into it. It is not a good situation for shoppers, but that is what happens when something becomes so popular. There are always some people who are ready to abuse it.

Be sure to check for quality of any product you are buying. That's the best way to protect yourself. Speaking of Restonic and their HealthRest line of foam beds, they have a 6.5" core and 3.5" to 4.5" of visco mattress topper. These are the perfect measurements and are suitable for a good sleep. Thicker wouldn't be good, since you would fall all the way to the bottom. I must say that Restonic has a good thing going for them here, since they can almost match True Response and True Form when it comes to quality. But the advantage they have is their price. This is how Restonic beats other brands. If you are on the budget, they could be your option.

All in all, this is a good and reputable brand that has a lot to offer. They maybe do not have such variety of choice like the biggest brand out there, but they will satisfy most of our needs. They have quality, which is the most important thing. Now you only have to decide how much you are willing to invest. If money is a bit of a problem, go with Restonic mattress. Otherwise, invest in a bed that will last you the longest.

And for the end, a cool commercial:


  1. I had slept on a Restonic Mattress for over 18 years. It WAS a great mattress. I loved it. When I replaced my mattress, I went Restonic. What a mistake. After 2 months, I was already using a mattress board, and now after 4 months, the edges have collapsed, and I am getting delivery of another brand today. Restonic quality is a thing of the past. Corporate Restonic told me "Things are not what they used to be". This is not reassuring. Go with another brand. Restonic is history.

  2. Our Restonic mattress has been horrible. After seven months it started to sag and developed body imprints. Restonic replaced it. Then, after about 9 months, the replacement mattress did the same thing! The distributor who we bought it from said that the Restonic mattress that we purchased "is not recommended for every night useage." What? Mattresses are meant to be slept on every night. That is just an excuse for a poorly constructed product. Don't buy Restonic!

  3. My wife and I had a Restonic sensi allure mattress for 5 years before it began to sag a bit in the middle. Restonic came through and honored their warranty with a new mattress. I'm impressed with the customer service and commitment to improving their product.

  4. We bought a Restonic Health Rest Extravaganza, which is their natural latex foam line, with a topper. It's about 2 years old and I absolutely love it! It's still like new, very comfortable. I never liked the memory foam type mattress and we used to have the Sterns & Foster inner springs for 16 years- it held up well but there is no comparison to the comfort of the latex mattress.

  5. This is the worst mattress I have ever TRIED to sleep on. Our back and shoulders ache every night. We can not roll over on this mattress. The hump in the middle is like trying to climb a mountain. The furniture store I bought it from gave me a number to call, they sent me papers to fill out and send back to them. They charged me $59.00 to come out and meassure the sagging with a string and said there is only a 1 inch sag and nothing is wrong with the bed. Well it's not just my opinion, we have had several friends and family lay on the bed and give us their input - none of them can believe it.

  6. this mattress is terrible.at first it was great,but began to sag after acouple months(i only weigh 185lbs)it now sags badly and has a ridge that runs down the middle.i have heard such terrible reports about there customer service that i likely will just buy another brand

  7. I think a lot of people who buy mattress don't have a clue about the warranty. Most Restonic mats have a 15 year prorated warranty. yes you mattress must sag or have something wrong with its make-up, but the main thing is that there are no stains on the mat. Restonic will not give you a new one if it has any sort of stain on it.

  8. Wish we had read this before buying a "top of the line" Restonic Mattress. After one month our king size mattress had noticeable body impressions down both sides. Our weights are 150 and 107, if that matters. Now after 4 months the impressions are as deep or deeper than the mattress we replaced which was 8 years old. The representative told us it was normal, and that we should sleep in the middle to level out the foam. The impressions are not 1 1/2" deep so we don't get any service from the company. We are to wait 6 month more and if they don't even out, we can send it back to the company to have the foam tested to see if there is something wrong. And how much will that cost us? Yes, we know about the warranty and it is impeccable so stains aren't the issue keeping them from doing anything about it.

  9. The Problem with people buying mattresses right now in the present time most people are CHEAP. They Only want to buy a cheap mattress and they don't care what's inside... Until there mattress is falling apart because they didn't get the right coil support/foam they settled on a model that was cheap and after it breaks down due to the fact it wasn't made for there body type or the way they sleep. They don't listen to the salesman anymore they think the internet has all the answer's. They see 10 reviews all bad and say wow that company must suck. What they can't comprehend is that the 1,000,000 other customers that love there beds that don't come on line to whine and complain because they were not cheap and took a mattress that wasn't right for them. I mean They didn't tell me this, they didn't tell me that. You tell me that when you by a car, washer machine, Refrigator you ask the salesman to read the warranty to you? LOL people don't be lazy. Buy something that will support you. Don't buy a cheap bed and then complain after two years after it falls apart what do you expect? Then for the warranty's... KEEP YOUR INVOICE....why can't anyone take any responsabality? You have to show proof of ownership to get the warranty. warranty is only through the orgianlly customer. you expect the mattress company to know that you didn't buy it second hand, through a garage sale, etc.... Grow up! put it in a file and keep it. the warranty is through the manufacture not the store you bought it at. AND EVERY COMPANY THE WARRANTY IS VOID IF THERE IS A STAIN ON IT... It is a federal and state law for health code reasons... Don't be cheap and buy a mattress protector- most are stain/water proof now. Invest in one when you get a new mattress. And Mattress are built differentyly know then the old boards that they used to make. there is support and comfort on the tops know. ALL PILLOWTOPS show body impression. That is what they are supposed to do. If your salesman tells you differently he is lying. If the mattress hits the guidlines for the warranty the company will take care of it. mattresses will be anywhere from 1" to 5" inches depending on make and model. If you Do NOT want a "body impresson"-- DON"T buy a Pillow Top!!! Buy an old traditional Flat Firm and enjoy it. Most of these complaints can be taken care of if you Don't buy from a big store with people that don't care for there customers and are only there to make the quick sale. Buy from a store that is smaller-Locally Owned- and Takes care of there customers. It's there best interest to Help you and take care of you.

  10. I brought a resonic bed and after several months both sides of the mattress have collapsed. Horrible, horrible and to make matters worse they will only send you a warranty package to fill out and want you to send them pictures to go along with it. They wouldn't answer any of my questions.....WOW sad to find out the hard way

  11. Then you should have bought a adult strength coil bed instead of a cheap one made for kids. Blame the store you bought it from not Restonic the salesman sold you something that isn't made for adult. Talk to them and if only a few months they should just switch it out if its really a warranty issue which to me doest sound like it is side support isn't a warranty issue the sides don't make. Your Mattresses support different when you lay down. On it. Tell the store about it. A few months your under a trail period with most stores

  12. Absolute worst mattress I have ever owned. I have only had it about 2 years. It has had a HUGE ridge in the middle for at least the past year to the point where my wife has not slept on it for at least that long. I wake up every single morning in pain and got the same run around with the "warranty" that this sleazy company claims to offer. I finally just gave up and bought a new mattress set, of course a different brand.

    And for the "Anonymous" commentor that is probably a Restonic employee, what mattress besides a short twin would not have "adult" rated springs in it? Give me a break.

  13. Shawn what bed was it that you bought? With ridge down the middle sounds like a king size. The bed frame runs right up middle are you legs adjustable for your center support? If so lower them so your bed wont get that ridge. Also on king size beds any kind rotate them a 1/4 turn if you don't like I see you didn't. You will break the Mattress in evenly. What happens people sleep on the outsides of Mattresses they don't tend to sleep towards the middle. On all kings of any kind/make/model will get a hump down center. Can't do anything about it. What happened is your bed broke in where you sleep and the center is twice as firm (frame and boxsprings meet there) plus nobody sleeping there that part of your bed is brand new. Its to bad your salesman didn't explain this to you so you knew what would happen and he could have shown you a different model that would have been a better fit for you and your wife. I wouldn't blame this on the mattress. That model did Probably what it was designed to do at the price you bought it for. I would be upset at the store that you bought it from

  14. Our mattress has the hump in the middle but we can't rotate it 1/4 turn. It's not a square mattress. We wish we could have flipped it but it has the latex top. It isn't 6 years old yet and I'm starting to get back aches at night. We paid a ton for this mattress and loved it at first. However, we'll never spend this much for a mattress again. Our cheaper (but still very good) mattresses lasted longer than this one has. We haven't tried yet to collect on the warranty--that is coming up soon. We've moved out of state so we don't know what to expect but we aren't too hopeful.

  15. Medicman:

  16. Obviously a sealy dealer getting no sales because a Restonic store is in town taking all the business. Lol funny post man. I had a stern and Foster (a dealt with a nicer cover that's over priced) and it had a body impression in 1 year no customer service horrible warranty junk. Been sleeping on a Restonic for 6 years 300 pounds 4 kids wife and 2 cats and its flat as a board. So really man you post something after 6 years what you just get bored and wanted to right a lie on line I Love sales guys trying to go on competitive companies duties and post lies so people don't them. Lol truth is Restonic is the best Mattresses out there. 7 TIME CONSUMER DIGEST BEST BUY WINNER. Pretty much says it all.... people don't believe what you read online go in and compare yourself. You will see the features , quality, durability, warranty, and price it makes it quite simple

  17. The worst mattress I have ever slept on. POOR-HORRIBLE customer service. First mattress had a 3 inch depression after 3 weeks (I weigh 115 lbs). They brought out a 2nd mattress..2.5 inch depression after ONE night. Was told by the retailer that I needed to sleep all over the bed to work the latex in. Would not return my money. Retailer stated that I created the 3" depression with the tape measure. Like to see anyone do that with a tape measure. Not to mention the depression was a 3 x 3 ft depression area. It wasn't in a divot as they claimed it to be. Not to mention that the 2 mattresses delivered to my home where completely different than the floor model and themselves. Material, stitchnig, Mattress height, etc. I have pictures to prove all of it. My BEST ADVICE for anyone considering this mattress....DO NOT BUY IT!! I am out $1000 dollars and have a mattress that I can't even honestly sell to anyone. I am pursuing a court date!

  18. i have had to use a bungy cord to hold my restonic mattress together after only 1 yr and because of a couple of stains i was told they would not cover it. wish i would have read these comments before i spent over a $1000.00 on a mattress

  19. you use a bungie cord on a mattress that is less than 1yr old? lol that is amazing!!! what is also amazing that for someone who bought a $1000 set you wouldn't buy a mattress protector for $40? that would cover stains and dust mites from your mattress? the good thing is that is sounds like restonice was going to take care of your warranty issue no problem. The bad thing is with the FEDERAL LAW againt stains on mattresses they are no allowed to send it back to the factory for HEALTH CODE REGULATIONS . So really your pissed at yourself for not buying a mattress protector and pissed at the store that sold you the wrong mattress that wasn't designed for your sleeping habits. So why do you think Restonic is a bad mattress?

  20. I can't believe all the people with complaints about the collapsing in the king size mattress! My mattress is so sturdy that I can't even sleep on it anymore! No sagging, no dents, way too heavy to move without 6 people. We both wake up sore every morning because of the firmness. I'm getting rid of mine. Had it for 1 1/2 years, paid a lot of money for it and would like some softness!

  21. We bought a Marvelous Middle set for over $2000.00 from a local retailer (Al Grace Appliance) in Rockford, IL and have had service repair after repair.We have a huge sink hole in middle, and, we can’t sleep without pillows between us to keep from rolling into each other. The 10 year warranty that was a selling feature is not worth the paper it’s written on. All I wan’t is for Restonic to replace this peace of junk with a conventional mattress, but no they won’t.

  22. you paid 2000 for 10 yr warranty ? I though the highest priced 10 yr warranty restonic was $699? the 15 yr warranty one start at $799 I bought one a 5 years ago and mine is completely flat like the day I got it and just bought my Kid a queen last week and was the best thing I saw on the market going to 6 other stores. from my notes and research and laying down on the beds nothing compared to the restonic models except a few spring air models.

  23. I am getting a new mattress today! I have had the Health Rest for about 7 years and after the first 3 years, it's been a problem. It sinks in where you lay and humps in the middle. I can't wait to get rid of it. Go with Temperapedic is you go foam. Don't waste you money on Restonic!

  24. I like how people say they had problems with there bed after few years. They have a warranty and never bother calling to get it replaced . Please I am sick and tired of competitors cutting up companies and trying to give them a bad name. They wont even post there names. The true fact is . They have won the consumer digest award 7 times. They sell thousands of mattresses a year for 70 years. I have slept on a restonic green velvet for over 2 years and have had great sleeps. Go out and try one there great mattresses . They would not be in business 70 years if they did not honor there warranty they would have been charged .

  25. I purchased a Restonic for the first time in Dec. 2009. By August of the following year the side of the mattress had started to collapse. After numerous phone calls to the dealer, we did get it replaced. This new mattress is even worse. We have what everyone else is saying: huge body impressions and a higher ridge up the middle. My husband and I suffer from daily back aches. I am currently working on getting my money back. I will never buy a Restonic mattress ever again.

  26. Carolyn probalay after selecting the first one wrong and not enough support( hence the sagging) probably should have upgraded to a more supportive coil and foam. Most people learn from there mistakes. Dont by cheap and expect it to last. You get what you pay for. Salesmen sell you what you want to by you think they want to sell you junk? And deal with complaints? Nope

    1. Hi, i'm wanting to buy a Restonic pillow top, the dealer says it has 1300 coils and I'm buying it fir $800. Its a king size but I dont want it to sag like the reviews say or have a lump in the middle. Should I be buying a more expensive mat? This one is on sale and its supposed to be eorth around 2 grand.

  27. I can hardly believe the negative comments I am reading here. I purchased my wonderful my 10" talalay latex "Extravaganza" Restonic mattress 3 years ago and it has absolutely changed my life. Previously, I could sleep no more than 5 hours a night because of the terrible pain I was in from laying on my old mattress. Now I can sleep a full 8 hours...and longer if I didn't have so much to do! My back no longer hurts and I sleep well! I really do credit the change solely to my Restonic mattress. I hope those who research the Restonic products will consider what I have said and at least give Restonic a try. It is my understanding that they provide a period under which one can try their product and return it for a full refund if not satisfied, but you must purchase a proper mattress cover to protect the mattress, otherwise the warranty is invalidated.
    Tonya Veazey
    Prairieville, LA

  28. I purchase 3 Restonic matresses from Star. They were $500 each. one of the matresses sagged in the middle. Called to get it looked at. The rep that came out changed my box spring. Again called them out still sagging. The rep measure a 1 1/2" dip in the middle. Said I was going to get a new matress. Star said it had to have 1 3/4' dip to get new matress. Called them to come out again to test. They measure 1 3/4 dip in certain spots. Still they denied the claim stating there was a stain on the matress which voids the warranty. Apparantly there was a hole in my matress pad and my kids spilt a coke in my bed. Don't waste your time or money on Restonic.

  29. Should have kept it clean.. How is restonic at fault that you stained your mattress? Plus for under 500 you should have gotten a better coil so it would last longer. Don't blame them because your dirty

  30. Purchased a king size a year and three months ago. Paid $2000. It's nearly a 2" sag on each side. Worst mattress we've ever had. I've never paid that much for a mattress and it's not worth it. Problem I'm going to have is the store only carries Restonic. Don't waste the money!!

  31. I'm so glad I'm not the only one having a issue with my mattress. I purchases my mattress in 2008. The 1st time it had a 1 1/2 sink, it was returned to the company and fixed. When it was returned it was super firm and after about 3 months the same thing happened. Thereafter they replaced the mattress and box spring...well well can I say my mattress is one the way back for the company again...I want my money back. I dont think I could give a Restonic mattress away...BEWARE! Ive gotten better rest on a simple air mattress.

  32. I can see that choosing the right mattress can be so confusing. I did notice that many of the negative comments came from "Anonymous". It makes me wonder if the competitors to these companies are the ones writing up the bad reviews. A mattress store can be a lonely place. :) I think, though, after muddling through all of the reviews, I've decided on the Restonic brand. They are the only mattress co. to receive the Best Buy Award from Consumers Digest. I also was recently informed that they won the Woman's Choice Award. And after trying one out, I'm sold. They are one of the most comfortable beds I've ever laid in. I'll be purchasing mine soon.

  33. Adam..i just bought one today(Jan 20,2012). I will update post in a few mths. Lots of bad reviews i hope its just the competition posting. I will know soon enough

  34. Chetna

    Jan 21 2012, I bought one king size today, will let you know, how I feel, but I got lots bad competitors reviews.

  35. Thanks so much for posting all these comments. We were close to buying a Restonic when I came across this site upon doing research and read the comments to my husband. Next, we went to a mattress store that carried a wide variety of mattresses and the sales person confirmed the postings. It used to be a great brand, he said but now it is a low end. It no longer lives up to its name. Thanks for all who commented and all the warnings. I am grateful!

  36. My Restonic Mattress has been the worst full size mattress I have ever slept on. It sagged right after paying $1000.00 for it.(I know the dealer did not give me the mattress I tried out in his store.) I sent it back (perfect condition), they claimed to have rebuilt it. I am sitting here at my computer hurting in my upper back so bad, trying to find a good dealer so I can buy a decent mattress, because Restonic mattress is already sagging again. Talking about stains, they sent it back to me with ink marks. I can't give it away, I wouln't put that on anybody! God have mercy on the dealer and the company. They both have lost my business. I don't know how they in good conscience sleep at night.

  37. We bought a gel infused Restonic king size mattress set 2 months ago. So far I have absolutely NO complaints. The mattress is wonderful. I will post again at a later time to let you all know how well it holds up.

  38. We bought a Restonic Innovation foam mattress in November 2011 and are very pleased with the purchase. Originally looked at Serta iComfort, Simmons Comforpedic, Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe and Sealy Embody. Had about decided on the iComfort until trying the Restonic Innovation. We like a soft, yet supportive mattress. The primary difference was the top layer (1 inch gel only I believe) which changed the "roll" feel from the others (did not have to wait on original impression to fill, much smoother transition). Sleeps cooler than expected and has done wonders for my back. Previous Sealy Posturpedic had indention that caused hammock posture which had become a real issue. This is a new design (currently not commonly found) and sells for around $2K for King. VERY GOOD MATTRESS, TOP NOTCH!

  39. I purchased my cal king Restonic several years ago. I moved within 6 months of the purchase and the professional movers were astonished at the huge hill in the middle of the bed. I do rotate it but it does not work. I purchased a memory pillow top to try and sleep. It worked for a couple of years and now the mattress is sagging more than ever. I looked up these posts in hopes of finding some good results about the warranty. After reviewing the previous posts it looks like I'm SOL. The mattress has no stains because I have had several mattress pads and a topper to try and sleep. I can't even sell it because it looks and sleeps awful.Buyer beware and look up customer reviews before ever purchasing anything that is not considered disposable.

  40. I wish the people who posted all the negative reviews would also mention which specific model they're referring to. I just bought the king Velorum latex. I hope the horrible reviews weren't about the one I got. I have a hunch that most of them are about the inner spring and memory foam ones. Wishful thinking. I tend to be an optomist.

  41. I am on my 2nd restonic mattress in 3 years. I am not sold. They are king size mattress. The first one had a hump in the middle. The store we bought it from gladly exchanged it without even looking at it. It was a pillow top. Now I have another top of the line king size with the normal top and have had it less than 2 months and it has a hump in the middle too. I understand when you have the support of 2 twin box frames that it going to be firmer where they meet. But seriously, this is a major bummer to me as I feel as though my husband and I just roll to our designated edges. If I return this one, it will be a different mattress brand for sure. If these kind of mattress work better for platform beds rather than box springs, then they need to be upfront and tell customers that before they purchase them

  42. I'm not a dealer, salesman, or a competitor. There is a lot of false hype on this blog about mattresses. On almost every complaint, the so called "consumer" failed to reveal which mattress model they bought. This should be your first clue that most of these reviews are fake. Second, anyone interested in buying a king size bed should reconsider. King size beds are a problem with almost every single brand on the market. If you like snuggling with your sweetie and don't like a hump in the middle then do not buy a king size mattress. Save yourself some heartache, get marriage counseling to improve the relationship and buy a queen size instead. Coil spring and/or pillow top mattresses... They sag, that's what they do, which is why you should always go with one grade higher in firmness then what you think you should. Health.com says the average life of a pillow is 2 years... This should give you a good idea of what kind of life you will get from a pillow top mattress (as far as the comfortable top layer is concerned). Don't be a cheap a**, BUY A MATTRESS COVER! If you are going to buy a new mattress then wait until you save an additional $50 for a cover before you pull the trigger. Not having a cover to protect your mattress from stains is like pulling the pin on a hand grenade and seeing how long you can hold it before it blows up. Just dumbness in the purest sense! NO MATTRESS COMPANY WILL WARRANTY A STAINED MATTRESS. I repeat... STAIN=VOIDED WARRANTY! So what do I recommend? I recommend you do your research online, go to several mattress stores and try out ALL the brands and all the bed types i.e. memory foam, spring coil, latex etc. Then research in depth the brands that felt good while in the store. If you buy online, buy from a reputable online business. If you buy at a store, then show some loyalty to the salesman that spent time to educate you on your mattress options. If a salesman tries to high pressure you by ripping the competition then their mattress is no good. Once you lay on a hundred beds you will soon find out for yourself which are good and which are not, and if their bed is really as good as they claim, then you will be back to buy it. (post continued below... keep reading)

  43. What won't I buy? Tempur-Pedic's stocks are dropping off consistently. I was told they were the best memory foam mattress, tried one out at the store, and hated it. Couldn't roll over without exerting a lot of effort. Tempur-Pedic will debate me on this by saying that once you're in your sweet spot you won't need to roll but I'm no dumbie. We roll in bed no matter how comfortable we are, due to temperature changes during the year and because our sweet spot can very on any given day. If you like to sink and not move, this is your bed. Memory foam is nice but you either need to go really firm, with high quality foam that won't sink over time, or get whatever one you like if you enjoy letting your bed swallow you whole. Coil spring mattresses... The money is in the spring system. This is where online research helps because every manufacturer makes good and bad springs depending on the model. There is a reason one bed is $600 and the other $2500. I'm not a rich man but I will tell you that $600 is a cheap mattress. It may be a lot of money but it's still cheap. If your fat, lose weight and your bed will last longer. Don't buy an air mattress no matter how awesome someone tells you they are. It's the modern day waterbed and they are junk. Can you think of anything cheaper to make a mattress out of then free air? Come on... No one is this dumb are they? My money went to a latex foam mattress. Best decision ever. Comfortable, cool at night, hasn't broke down, and gives me tons of support and good sleep. I sleep predominantly on my stomach so I bought a mid-firm model. This gave me cushion plus support. You won't find this by surfing the web. You have to go to stores to find out what will work for you in the comfort category. I won't tell you which brand and model I bought simply because I would rather you take the advice from someone that spent a week researching online and laying in beds at stores to learn about what was best for me. Go find whats best for you. But to give you a clue about what I bought just in case your sleep habits compare to mine. I already told you I bought latex, I'm on a blog post about Restonic, and I enjoyed the mid-firm mattress. You figure it out. To tell you the truth, before I bought a mattress I had no idea what was good or bad. Who had the best or worst. And I really had no idea what I was looking for. If you want a cheap mattress go get one, but don't wine like my little sister when it hurts your little girl back. If you want a mattress that lasts 20 years, they are out there, but you HAVE TO take the time and figure out what is right for you. One more thing... If you are a married couple, you need to do a mock sex test on the mattresses you lay on, that you like. I know that sounds horrible but some one is going to get a whole lot of YOUR money when you buy a mattress. Best it goes to the guy that let you do some light core dry humping in the store. :) I like a little bounce back when I'm doing the horizontal nasty so memory foam went out the window for me during this test. It was what I would imagine trying to have sex would be like in a kids ball pit. You just sink, except it's softer. I'm done. I hope this helps at least one person make a good decision about how to spend their hard earned money.

  44. Well lets just say everyone here. I work for one of the companys that everyone keeps talking about. I can say I have a restonic mattress not goin to say which mattress set I have but I can say this, I will not sleep on anything other than a Restonic. I will put money where my mouth is. Restonic has got good quality, warranty, craftsmanship, and materials than their competitors. I slept on the competitors of Resontic and they do all the same things that everyone is saying on this site. Their is no difference. All I can say is go in to a big retail outlet and test the mattresses. While you are there look at all the prices as well. Then go down to your local mom and pop furniture stores and test out all the models and look at their prices. Make your own decisions. Dont let anything on this comments list deter you from doing a little research on your own. Because the results will astound you. I love my Restonic mattress set and wont trade it for any other mattress and that goes to show you that a competitor will choose what they feel is comfortable to them.. Enjoy your research..

  45. I just bought a used Restonic queen mattress (was sleeping on the floor) and to tell ya the truth it is the best mattress Ive slept on in years. I have a bad back and every bed Ive ever slept in has always caused lower back pain. Ive been sleeping on this bed now for 2 months and have yet to wake up with back pain. I LOVE THIS MATTRESS!!!

  46. Just bought a new restonic "tempa-gel", was unsure about it at first; however, I have come to really enjoy sleeping/resting on this mattress. The heat where I live is unbearable.. but this mattress actually helps cool you down. Its literally "cool". I would advise anyone who gets uncomfortable in the middle of the night to not waste anymore time and buy this mattress!

  47. We bought Restonic mattress last Dec. started to use From Mid. April. Now less than 5 months it started sag and so unconformable. According to this company, it is normal!
    We do not recommend to anyone to buy this horrible mattress.

  48. I bought a Restonic memory foam, king size last June, 2012. I have pretty bad nerve damage, & my 12 year old Serta had died. The Restonic is the most comfortable night sleep. I can actually lay on the side that has the nerve damage with no pain! I love that mattress. So much so that I just bought another one, same kind, called the "Inspire", queen size for my other place. I can get a whole night's sleep without waking up from pain! Plus, there is no movement transfer, so when my husband moves or gets out of bed, you never know. Throw in having two dogs as well that sleep with us, still don't feel other movement anymore. One of the best products that I have ever bought.

  49. BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!I recently purchased a Restonic Mattress at Mattress Source. I specifically asked for coilless and the saleslman suggested the Reverie adjustable bed frame to go with it. I thought I was buying the Healthrest coilless series. None of my paperwork shows that. I have flyer that says it is Gel Infused Memory Foam.
    Upon review my product warranty says it is a Rrestonic Supporting Dreams and in care instructions, #2 Do not bend the mattress. This could damage the innerspring unit.
    It looks like I have a unit with coils, and have voided my guaranty by using an adjustable bed.
    My receipt is also unclear it shows I puchased Q REST I CLONE PL, which they "say" the Healthrest Cool Gel. I am calling everyone today, Restonic & Mattress Source.

  50. Just spoke to customer service at the Restonic mfg in Springfield, MO and was assured that the Cool Gell does not have coils. The care instructions reference those Restonic matteresses that do have coils.
    In my opinion in a a perfect world there would be separate warranty for coils and coilless. Therefore please remove my previous post earlier today.

  51. We purchased a Restonic Sensi-Allure Marvelous Middle all-memory foam king-size in 2005. The total nightly weight on the bed has consistently been well in excess of 400 lbs. It has held up very well over 8 years with no sagging, only normal body depressions. But, with the recommended twice a year rotating of the bed, we have found that effect has even been somewhat minimized. It was one of their more expensive beds but we highly recommend it or its replacement. We are quite happy with ours! We are both 60 years old and find that the Sensi-Allure provides great pain-free rest! We are newly energized each morning. Out daughter and husband recently purchased a far more expensive Tempur-Pedic and say ours is still nearly its equal. We love the Marvelous Middle as it allows us to sleep on either our right or left side without disturbing one another.

  52. I hate my restonic mattress set with a passion; I was impressed with how great the mattress looked, the 10-year warranty, etc,within 2 months my $1000.00 mattress began to sag in the center, my head was sliding downwards under the headboard, my neck & shoulders began to ache, i couldn't sleep or get confortable. When I complained, I was told I had to pay for someone to inspect the mattress & if I didn't have a frame w 5-legs under it, the company would refuse to replace the mattress. Mary.M

  53. I just bought a restonic mattress, I bought it because everyone talked bad about it, thanks for the good advise best sleep I ever had! thanks again

  54. We bought a pillow top Restonic mattress set that had a 15 year warranty. After six years, the sides started to bulge out and there is a huge hump in the middle. We also have a mattress pad on it. My husband and I both have night sweats which has stained the mattress as well. That has voided the warranty. We have flipped the mattress on the back side and now have three mattress pads on it to use for now. We are dissapointed in the construction of this mattress. I will never buy or spend that much money on another mattress again.

  55. Thanks for your valuable information.I found it very useful.Keep posting amazing content like this...

  56. I am about to buy a hybrid Restonic that has the works in it. I have read the comments and can not go by what people say here. It has a ten year warranty but have tried them all out and this one feel the best and is made good. My sealy posturepedic is probably a good 8 years old and about same prices range and it is in pretty good shape, might sag a little which is normal. People are lying about the Restonic, has many best awards, look it up, and some of the stupid comments do not make any sense when reading them. I agree with what Charles said in his comments up there, it is a good mattress but cheaper than some. I have looked at them, small owner of furniture company only sells the best he said, that is the Sealy posturpedic and he got the Restonic, everyone is buying the Restonic but he has no problem selling me a posturpedic if I want one, the guy is big and heavy and sleeps on the Restonic brand. I can tell a good made mattress when I see one, yes it got springs in it, the sealy does too dumb people, might not be the best, it is how it is designed and put together. Pull up Consumer digest award on Restonic if you can find it and look at all the awards on it, that tells me who is telling the truth. I think Charlie up there said it right.
