
More On Duxiana And A Special Offer For This Blog Visitors

Two years ago we brought you a review of DUXIANA, high quality bed manufacturer from Sweden, Europe. We think it's time to take a look at what they offer today and let you decide are they a good match for your needs.

But, first things first. Lets have a few words on Xupport Top Pad, the offer DUXIANA Representative made to Mattress Reviews blog visitors, the review on what they have to offer within their new Bed For Life Collection and a quick look on their best selling model in 2011.

To sum it up:

1. Bed For Life Collection

2. Xupport Top Pad

3. Offer for current DUXIANA customers

4. Best Selling Model

5. Testimonials From People Who Sleep On DUXIANA Beds

Bed For Life Collection

In this part, we're going to present you with what the new collection from DUXIANA has to offer. The next part of this blog post is a part of a press release, which contains all the necessary information about this collection.

"The DUX Bed For Life® Collection is sold exclusively in DUXIANA stores throughout the United States. The new Collection highlights The DUX 818, which provides a unique security compartment that contains a handheld fire extinguisher and can also be used to hold other valuables.

The new Collection includes a DUX “introductory model” as well as a bed with individual adjustable lumbar support. The beds in the collection range in price from $3,405 to $11,970, and are all handcrafted from the finest materials by European artisans. All beds include DUXIANA’s ultra-comfortable Xupport Top Pad, standard legs, white glove delivery service and a drawstring delivery and storage bag.

“We are very proud to release our new Bed For Life Collection, which reflects both the 85 year heritage of the handcrafted DUX Bed as well as our many technological innovations,” said Bo Gustafsson, the President of DUX Bed North America. “These beds are unsurpassed in quality and comfort, and will provide the most relaxing night’s sleep imaginable.”

Each bed in The Bed For Life Collection is handcrafted around DUXIANA’s highly regarded spring mattress system. Each mattress has two layers of five inch springs forged from the highest quality Swedish steel. Depending on the model, the beds contain two to four times as many springs as an ordinary bed.

The DUX spring system includes a series of springs that are engineered to dynamically interlock with each other, providing a honeycomb effect that offers both support and comfort. Almost two miles of fine steel wire are handcrafted to make the DUX spring system. More springs provide better contouring for your body, supporting concave areas such as your lower back and reducing pressure points which can help improve circulation.

Two of the models in The Bed For Life collection showcase DUXIANA’s Pascal Personal Comfort Zone System, which allows each sleeper to customize his or her side of the bed to support individual body shape and needs. The Pascal System offers a series of interchangeable spring cassettes of different densities, including soft, medium and firm. Using the Pascal system, each sleeper can select the perfect setting for shoulders, lower back, hips and legs.

Another innovation that is featured only on The DUX 818 is an independently adjustable lumbar support system. The lumbar support system provides personalized support for the lower back, adjusting to a level that is comfortable for a sleeper on each side of the bed. The system is controlled by a crank inserted as the foot of each side of the bed. The crank can adjust the height of the mattress in the lumbar area up to one and one half inches.

The beds within The DUX Bed For Life Collection include:

The DUX 818, the ultimate in luxury and comfort, contains thousands of interlocking springs (between 4,000 and 5,000) that hold your body in supportive sleep posture. The DUX 818 features the Pascal Personal Comfort Zone System, as well as the independently adjustable lumbar support system. The DUX 818 showcases DUXIANA’s new built-in safety compartment, which includes a handheld fire extinguisher you can use in case of emergency to extinguish a small fire. You can also store other valuables in the pocket.

The DUX 212 offers classic DUX support with deeper springs for added contouring, in addition to the customizable Pascal Personal Comfort Zone System.

The DUX 010 is the perfect introduction to the legendary DUX sleep system, with the same interlocking spring technology as the 212 and 818. The DUX 010 is available in custom sizes.

The DUX Axion combines the benefits of the DUX sleep system with the elevation capabilities of an adjustable bed.

The Bed For Life Collection will soon be offered on the new DUX web shop, which will go live in early 2012."

Xupport Top Pad

Visitors of this blog had some concerns and complains on the Top Pad so we thought it would be a great idea to get some inside information. We have to say we got a great response from a DUXIANA Representative, Scott, who explained few things to us, gave us some information we couldn't obtain otherwise and was very helpful in general.

We're going to quote him so you can get the best from our conversation on the Xupport Top Pad.

Scott: "I also want to address the concerns that have been expressed with the Xupport Top Pad. I want to clarify that the Top Pad is included in the initial purchase of the bed. When a bed is purchased, we stress the fact that proper care and maintenance of the top pad is very important to its longevity. Because the top of The DUX Bed will wear more rapidly than steel coils, the removable top pad is designed to be replaced when it wears out. The life of a top pad will vary from one sleeper to the next as each person’s sleep environment and sleep habits are unique. To help extend the life of your top pad you should turn and rotate it monthly; this will help the top pad wear more evenly. Many of our customers keep their DUX Beds for 20 years or more, and simply replace the top pad every few years or so."

And this leads us to...

Offer for current DUXIANA customers and Mattress Reviews visitors

Scott also helped us help you - a special 10% offer on new Top Pad purchases to all current owners of DUXIANA beds.

If you're interested in this, just send an email to clientservices (at) and provide them with the warranty id number you received when you purchased your DUX Bed. Besides the special 10% offer if you purchase a new Top Pad, the good people from DUXIANA will address your top pad issues on a case-by-case basis. We at Mattress Reviews think this is great and it shows how much this company cares about their clients.

What you have to do to get the special 10% offer?

Send the following information to

1. DUX Bed warranty number (required)

2. First/Last name

3. Address

4. Phone number

5. State that you would like to receive 10% off the purchase of a new DUX Top Pad and that you found this offer on

Best Selling Model

The best selling model in 2011 is the newly released DUX 818. This model offers an independently adjustable lumbar support system that provides personalized support for the lower back, adjusting to a level that is comfortable for a sleeper on each side of the bed.

Besides this incredible feature, DUX 818 has a built-in safety compartment, which includes a handheld fire extinguisher. A bit unusual, we have to admit, but it will be very useful in case of emergency. Of course, you can use this compartment to store anything you want.

Testimonials From People Who Sleep In DUXIANA Beds

At the end of this post, we give you some of the newest testimonials from DUXIANA customers. Our readers know that we like to have a lot of user reviews and customer experiences on this blog. And you can find a good number of reader comments on this blog that speak a lot about the brand. Here is what people who bought DUXIANA have to say:

“I’ve spent a lot of money on other things but this was really worth it. I look forward to going home at night and climbing into bed because I love my DUX mattress so much. Best money I ever spent.”

- Kevin McLaughlin, Boston, MA

“There are certain things in a household that we decided we would pay more money for. One thing was our DUX bed because when you sleep well, you feel well. You will have your bed for many years, and you have to take that into consideration when deciding to buy one. I think people forget that.”

- Edith Tully, Boston MA

“My DUX bed was worth every penny. I would never go back to any other brand; it is my bed for life. DUX bed was a great investment.”

- Valerie Bowen, Greenwich, CT

“It is important to me to get a good night’s sleep so I am ready for the next day. I felt like the DUX mattress was a bed I could really rely on to do the job for me. The mattress feels like you are sinking into a pillow or a cloud. It’s just comfortable. It’s not harder or softer. It’s just comfortable.”

- Claire, Greenwich, CT

“The DUX bed is attractive to people with compromised backs. It is a very unique and well engineered product. My husband even said it was the best mattress he’s slept on. He used to snore, but since we’ve had the DUX bed his snoring has virtually stopped.”

- Belinda, San Francisco, CA

“My bed has contributed to the recovery of my back injury and has allowed me to stay away from surgery. I travel a lot with my son’s baseball team and after only staying two nights in a bed other than my own I start getting back pain.”

- Ardis Guglielmo, Lafayette, CA

“We really noticed the difference when we traveled. I own a luxury travel company, and travel frequently for business. We experience a lot of different beds touted out to be ‘the best’ or ‘most comfortable’ in some of the world’s most acclaimed hotels. These beds don’t compare to our DUX, and we miss our good night’s sleep on the road. Many people who travel miss their dogs or their kids – for us, it’s our DUX.”

- Susan Hastings, San Francisco, CA

“People don’t even think twice about spending thousands of dollars on trips, and a trip is only for a short time. You sleep in your bed every night. So when I thought out the cost of a DUX bed, there wasn’t an issue because I put value on my ability to have a good night’s sleep.”

- Mark Shaw of Remax Accord, Lafayette, CA

“Whenever my lower back is hurting, I will go take a nap because when I lay down on my DUX bed, I feel better. We have had our DUX bed for 14 years and it sleeps as good now as the day we bought it. If you are going to end up buying three beds over 10 years, why not just buy one bed that will last?”

-Dr. Jackie Dierks, Scottsdale, AZ

“I used to be in the furniture business and I sold DUX furniture. One year I won a contest and I saw the DUX factory in Sweden. I knew that they were good beds by the way they were made. I bought one and have had it for 13 years now, and about a year ago I bought two more for my home in Santa Fe.”

- Ron Willingham, Phoenix, AZ


  1. I made the following comments in the 2009 DUX Bed reviewbut also wanted to make sure that I posted them in the new review.

    After hearing about the DUX Bed for years, I decided to invest in the 818, which is one of the new DUX Bed models. I had kept my previous mattress for 17 years, and while it was OK, I noticed that my back pain was increasingly worse. I suffer from sciatica on my right side beginning in my hip and running down my leg and was sure nothing could help. So I decided to try the DUX Bed. This bed doesn't compress the sciatica, and puts no pressure on my leg. I couldn't believe the difference the first night I slept on the DUX. It cradles your body, without being too hard or too soft. It also has an adjustable lumbar support that gives your back some additional support if you need it. Thanks to the DUX Bed, my sciatica is now better (coupled with some exercises from the physical therapist) The 818 includes a top pad, pascal personal comfort system, lumbar support, and of course, the DUX spring system. It also has a safety compartment on each side. Everything is well made and I am very happy with my purchase and would definitely recommend it. The extra money that you pay for a DUX is definitely worth it.

  2. I posted this on the older Dux bed review, but I wanted to let everyone know that the 10% off offer, mentioned in this blog, worked! I emailed them and ended up going to the store where I got the discount on a new top pad. I thought I would pass along my Dux bed story since they were so accommodating.

    I originally heard about Dux Beds through a coworker, after relaying the story that my wife and I we were waking up with back pain. We had our bed for 10+ years and knew it was time to purchase a new bed so we decided to drop by and take a look at the Dux beds at their Newport Beach store. The salespeople were very helpful, and let us try out each of the different bed models. Once we laid down on the beds in the store we immediately noticed the difference between the one we were on, and the one at home. It didn’t take long to know that we were going to buy one.

    We ended up getting the DUX Bed with the Pascal system plus top pad and have loved it since day one. One thing that was said in the review on this site, and we were told by our Duxiana sales rep, was to rotate and flip the top pad so that it would last longer. We have been doing that every couple months and it still seems as good as new.

    We would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to get a luxury bed.

  3. Thanks for all these comments and this article. I've been trying to find a good place to get a mattress in Montreal because I think mine is trying to hurt me. Every morning I wake up I feel like I've been beaten by group of angry pillows.
